Trusted and Reliable Partner

For Transportation Services

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Personal & Business Trips

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Frequently Ask Questions:

Trips & Stops, LLC is a transportation company with a foundation of dependability, reliability and professionalism that provides affordable and flexible transportation services to our clients. 

When an individual or business books a ride, we customize the ride to their specific needs to make it enjoyable, safe and stress-free with their assigned professional, personal driver. 

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  1. Create an account.
  2. Select your transportation service.
  3. Use the form to get a quote.
  4. Book a ride. 

Once the ride is booked, we schedule the ride after approving the service.

You can pay your ride with your debit/credit card or cash on demand. 

To cancel a ride you booked is very easy. use the contact form with your name and number with your receipt number. Once we receive your information, we’ll cancel the transaction. 

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